HOPE Coaches

At HOPE coaching is much bigger than just a game or training. We strive to mentor, encourage, and develop character and sportsmanship. 

Sport is an opportunity to give glory to God, consequently, the expectations for diligence in training, competing, and on/off court conduct are very high. 

As coaches we are committed to planning for training, giving each player opportunities to grow and develop and staying up to date with games, tournaments, and rules. 

Sometimes coaches have to make hard decisions about who to play in tight situations. Due to the nature of the ISSAPP competition, one loss may mean there is no opportunity to make the final. The coach is constantly juggling player court time, team dynamics, and the score line. Please respect that this is a tricky job and sometimes we will make good calls, and sometimes in hindsight, we will make different choices. We will do our best! 

This is the current staff coaches and the current volunteer coaches opportunities.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3 


Lorinda Wishart

Athletic Director

Thank you for considering volunteering as a coach for our student teams. We have a fantastic selection, including basketball, volleyball, and football (soccer), plus exciting options like badminton, cross-country, swimming, and more.  

Reach out to Lorinda Wishart at to learn more and express your interest.


Assistant Coaches - At HOPE we believe that young people have the potential to be phenomenal leaders if given the opportunity. Where possible assistant coaches should be at least 2 grade levels above the grade they are coaching. These student assistant coaches will be asked to help with training, equipment, giving feedback and as they grow in confidence drills and activities as well as game day coaching.