Primary Football

⚽ Football (Soccer) Season Overview

ISSAPP Tournament Dates

Saturday, October 26 Completed

BUS TO LEAVE HOPE 6:30am (If not using the bus please let coaches know & arrive 45mins before your first game). 

A Boys  7:45am  9:15am  11 or 11:45am

B Boys 8:30am  9:15am  10:15/11am

A Girls  10:15am  11am   1:15pm 

B Girls 10:15   11:45am 


Friendly Game Dates

Wednesday 18th September Game 1 AISPP v HOPE @ AISPP Completed

3:15pm A Boys Team

3:15pm B Boys Team

3:15pm A Girls Team 

(AISPP has no B girls so they will train at HOPE on this day)

*Bus to arrive at HOPE 5pm

Tuesday 8th October Game 2 HOPE v AHIS @ HOPE Completed

2:45pm B Girls Team (AHIS doesn’t have a team but we will play HOPE v HOPE)

3:15pm B Boys Team

3:45pm A Girls Team 

4:15pm A Boys Team 

*Pick up from Hope by 4:45pm

Wednesday 16th of October Game 3 Hope v CIA @ HOPE Completed

2:35pm B Girls Team (CIA doesn’t have a B team so we will play HOPE v HOPE)

3pm B Boys Team

3:30pm A Girls Team

4pm A Boys Team

*Pick up from Hope by 4:45pm

Tuesday 22nd October Game 4 NISC v Hope @ NISC Completed

3:15pm A Boys Team 

3:15pm B Boys Team 

3:15pm A Girls Team 

4pm B Girls Team (NISC will play some of their A team as they don't have a B team)

4pm A Boys & B Boys will play a second game against NISC *This is an extra game to give some more game time to players. NISC intends to play their B Boys against our A Boys team and some other younger players against the B Boys Team)

*Bus to arrive at HOPE 5:30pm (Telegram channel will be updated if running late as this is a busy time with traffic near NISC). 

A & B Primary Boys & Girls Football @ NISC

ISSAPP Final (North) October 26th @NISC ELE Fball _DRAFT